'Home Thoughts from Abroad'
Robert Browning
Oh, to be in England
Now that April's there,
And whoever wakes in England
Sees, some morning, unaware,
That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf
Round the elm tree-bole are in tiny leaf,
While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
In England - now!
It might not be Browning's best work, but it captures pretty well what I'm feeling being here to see spring work its subtle changes to the landscape.
But onto travel adventures! So the Dickinson crew has been doing a lot of travelling this semester since there are only thirteen of us now - much more manageable than twenty-seven or however many of us there were last semester. A month ago we took a long weekend in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. For any science fiction fans out there, you may know that Cardiff is one of the prime filming locations for Doctor Who, and it's where Torchwood is supposedly located (speaking of science fiction/fantasy, this is going to be a fantastic month - the new series Camelot just premiered on Stars, starring the amazing and incredibly talented Joseph Fiennes as Merlin in what appears to be a very dramatic retelling of the King Arthur legend. The new series Game of Thrones, with Sean Bean and Harry Lloyd, is going to start on HBO in the middle of the month, and then Doctor Who returns on Easter. Nerds of the world, rejoice!). I must admit, I'm not terribly up on my Welsh history (everyone else, rejoice!), although I can tell you a great deal about the beginnings of the Welsh Church around the fifth century, as well as the heroic tradition in Celtic literature and its impact on the Arthurian legend. As I'm guessing that you really don't want to read that, however, I shall refrain. I do know that Cardiff wasn't really an important city until the coal industry became big. It's right on the south coast of Wales, so it did serve as a trading port, which is probably why the castle was built early on, but it doesn't have the history of a city like Edinburgh, say. Anyway, I'll stop rambling and just get to the pictures, shall I? I feel like you as the reader are going to start brandishing cutlery and yelling, 'Get on with it!' Monty Python style (which I got to watch for class last week. I know, my life is awesome.).
We arrived in Cardiff in time to enjoy a beautiful, sunny afternoon. Everyone else promptly passed out at the hostel to recover from our 5.30 a.m. departure time, but Stephenie and I decided to start exploring the city. We headed to the National Gallery and went for a wander around Bute Park.
There were daffodils everywhere, which was lovely because they're so sunny and happy-looking and they're one of my favourite flowers. Turns out that the daffodils are one of two Welsh national symbols - the other is the leek. Why? Not sure. But Saint David's Day (the patron saint of Wales) had just passed, so if there weren't enough real daffodils, there were daffodil decorations everywhere.
We also found an abundance of stone circles, which the ever-informative Lonely Planet tells me are from the Victorian period, not the ancient Celts. The Victorians were very fascinated with the past and a great deal of their art seems to be looking back to a nostalgic time of pre-industrial community with nature, etc. I'm pretty sure that this is actually the Stone Table where Aslan was sacrificed in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, however. Yes, I know, I'm making ridiculous literary references again. You should be used to it by now.
Cardiff Castle shining in the beautiful late afternoon sun. Much more of this to come!
Steph and I spent a fair amount of time trying to locate medieval priory ruins that were in the park - they were a bit of a let down. I conquered them no problem.
The next day we had playtime at Cardiff Castle, which was all kinds of delightful.
There was a trebuchet, pronounced 'tray-bucket,' obviously, none of these outrageous French accents, just hanging out on the lawn, asking us to go be silly. Here we see Jess and Stephenie assuming the positions for a classic, musketeer-type duel, while Sarah and I prepare for the less conventional wizard duel.

Here's the gang in the castle keep, which was built by the Normans in the 1080s and then replaced with this stone keep in the 1130s. So yes, I did a bit more than just play on the lawn. Not much more, mind...
Yes, that Arthur. There was a sort of lineage of Welsh kings around the library in the castle apartments, which were restored in the Victorian period (again, that Victorian nostalgia and romanticizing of the past). The first written accounts of King Arthur come from the Welsh Mabinogion, a collectiion of heroic tales, and historians think that, if Camelot did exist, it was in Wales. Alright, miniature literature lesson over, promise (but, I mean, really, isn't this stuff cool?).

And, because we were in a castle and because we're awesome, Sarah and I had to duke it out k-niggit style in the gift shop. Dear Mom and Dad, aren't you glad that you sent me here to have mature learning experiences?
We headed to the other side of the city to check out the Doctor Who: Up Close exhibit after indulging our inner children at the castle all morning. Here I am with the Tardis, waiting for Matt Smith to come whisk me away to a different planet (although I'm actually quite fond of this one, so I plan on staying for a while).
This is the latest addition to my collection of weird signs in the U.K. I'm sure that there's some deeper meaning from the show of which I am ignorant, but I like to think that this one means that if you take a nap, Zeus will smite you with a thunderbolt.
Cardiff Bay
That's where my photographic record comes to a close - we spent our last day in Cardiff venturing from coffee shop to coffee shop, with a stop at a pub for lunch (where our server looked like Colin Morgan in Merlin - such a King Arthury trip) doing coursework. All of the pubs have signs saying something along the lines of 'Brains served here!' or 'We love Brains!' But never fear, Cardiff is not a city full of zombies - Brains is the locally brewed beer. Why it's named that, I cannot tell you. British rationale - who knows. I'm really glad that we got to see Cardiff, but I think that three days was a bit too much time. We did everything that we wanted to do in two days, hence our marathon coffee stint. I would have loved to see more of Wales beyond the city, but methinks that will have to wait for a future trip to the U.K.
More travel adventures coming your way soon, hopefully - we went to Edinburgh about a week and a half ago, and that was amazing. Edinburgh is probably my favourite city that I've visited, and I enjoyed my second trip there just as much as my first! But I hope that things are going well for everyone reading this, that spring is working on springing, and that you're remembering to seize the day. I'll be buried under books and papers for the next four weeks (minus ten days in which I'll be cavorting around Italy and Croatia), but I'll be in touch soon!
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ReplyDelete...sexy retelling of King Arthur... Holly, I miss having nerd adventures with you in Europe, land of magic, queues and sit down toilets, but I'm afraid this is where I draw the line.
ReplyDeleteHaha, maybe sexified would have been a better word choice there. But I promise that I won't make you watch it when you come back to visit. Which cannot be soon enough - I miss our nerd adventures, too!!! We will have to have Pennsylvania nerd adventures next year, when we live in our houses with the magically themed bathrooms.